Monday, 15 February 2016

Lunar New Year Event - Aftermath

Hi folks!

The Lunar New Year event has ended. I've been playing quite diligently, making as much use as possible of the free tickets, just to see how far that would get me, and what would be required to complete it.

In the end, I made it quite far, but didn't complete the final run. Here's where I left off.

The Car

From all "red envelopes", I ended up getting blueprints once (that's where the 2 extra come from). Still, I'm 8 short of six stars, and probably another 25 short of a full upgrade.

Since they sell in packs of five, I'd need 35 or seven packs, at a price of 250 gold each, leading to an all-in-all investment of 1750 gold for the blueprints alone (that's more than a monthly gold card would yield).

The remaining races

I actually came pretty close, but would have needed 11 PR points more to even fulfill the requirements for the final race. That's probably 15 tickets worth of farm racing, at 80 gold per 5, adding another 240 gold to the tally of almost 2000 gold. 

The more expensive option would have been to buy out the remaining races, which would have probably cost more than 500 gold in total (guessing here).

All that for a car that is probably at par with the Mercedes AMG, I don't think that's worth it for me at this stage. Note that they're selling the themed AMG for 50 USD real world money at the store, which I think is absolutely outlandish - you can buy whole games for that price.

Anyway, it was a fun event, with challenging races (bloody aura gates, I'm telling ya), but in the end, not worth investing huge amounts of gold in.

I'm back to maxing out my in-game Mercedes AMG, then aiming for the hyper cars in story mode next.

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