Friday, 13 April 2018

Ranked battle killers - Königsberg light cruiser

Hi folks!

The "ranked battle" feature has been in the game for a while now, and it's an interesting and fun addition. The basic idea is that, during currently two windows of server time a day, you play against other players, gaining (or losing) points, and thus moving up or down the ladder. Each rank class (bronze, silver etc.) gets you resources at the end of the season, and you gain currency to spend in the rank shop.

A nice twist is that ranked battles can only be played at tier five, no matter what your personal top tier is. This, of course, limits the choice of ships available. In the battleship line, there's the excellent Japanese Kongo class, which really is a fast, uparmoured battlecruiser, and you'll usually find a large number of destroyer players.

Since I'm a bit of a fan of the German cruiser line, I found that the tier five Königsberg class is really almost as good as the tier six Nürnberg.

She's got very similar guns - nine 150mm in three turrets - and torpedoes - four triple launchers, two on each side.

Armour and health are comparable, she's a light cruiser, so two good broadsides from a battleship will probably sink her. But the fast-firing main batteries (can be brought down to about 7s reload time with the reload speed equipment upgrade), using armour piercing, are an absolute destroyer-killer.

She doesn't have the Nürnberg's sonar, but does have the precise aim. Staying away from cruiser and battleship guns is a given, and she can do great with dodging distance shots while responding with rapid high-explosive fire from her two rear turrets. Alternatively, you can use her torpedoes to flank or ambush bigger ships.

As with the Nürnberg, I'd recommend using the two steering equipment upgrades, playing to her strength as a light cruiser.

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